Monday, July 21, 2014

Lady, what died in your bag?

On my waysmartSh from my annual physical, I decided to pop into my beloved b.good to grab something to go.

I got a side order of the roasted veggies (broccolini, kale. tomatoes and carrots) 'cuz I'm never close to the recommended amount.  Corn on the cob has been my go-to "veggie" lately.  Plus, I just left the doctor's office!

Without thinking about it, I put the paper bag in my purse and head out to catch the train.  When I get to South Station, I find all of Boston standing on the platform.  I'm rarely on the T during rush hour, so I'd forgotten how crazy busy it gets.

For the last 20 minutes I've been imagining what folks might be thinking:  "How can this somewhat put together lady be stinking up this train? She's got a smart phone, so I'm sure she can afford deodorant.  Damn!"

And they should be thankful I said no to the sprinkling of parmesan cheese the young lady at the restaurant offered me.

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